Huntington Town Disaster Drill Held at Centerport Fire Department
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
The drill featured more than 200 volunteer firefighters, emergency medical personnel and other emergency responders. Story originally posted on the Northport Patch-Adina Genn
Story by Steve Silverman
Over 200 volunteer firefighters, emergency medical personnel and other emergency responders participated in a Town of Huntington MCI (Mass Casualty Incident) Disaster Drill in Centerport on Sunday, Oct. 5.
The training exercise was hosted by the Centerport Fire Department and involved a collision between a speed boat and a fishing boat in Northport Bay off Centerport Beach, resulting in 30 injured victims.
This was a multi-agency response involving the Huntington Town fire departments and ambulance squads from Centerport, Northport, Halesite, Huntington, Huntington Manor, Dix Hills, Cold Spring Harbor, East Northport, Eaton's Neck, Greenlawn, Melville and Commack. Also participating were the Suffolk County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services, Suffolk County Police Department, U.S. Coast Guard, Town of Huntington Harbor Master and Huntington Hospital.
Boats from various agencies rescued the victims who were portrayed by junior fire and EMS from Northport, Greenlawn and Huntington Community. The simulated patients were transported to designated docks at the Huntington Beach Community Association in Centerport, and the Bay Club in Halesite.
They were met by emergency medical crews and taken to a Triage Area, where the patients were treated and prioritized by the severity of their injuries. Fire and Rescue ambulances then transported the victims to Huntington Hospital, which activated their Disaster Plan. The drill was held under the command of Centerport Fire Chief Nick Feeley, with logistics led by Suffolk Water Rescue Coordinator Jim Feeley.
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