Halesite FD has a Holly Jolly Weekend
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Santa stops to visit Firefighter Kevin Kelly and his kids at their home. (Photo Credit-Halesite Fire Department) Santa's ride visits Bay Hills Beach (Photo Credit-Halesite Fire Department) Buddy and his fellow elves visit Stony Brook Hospital to spread holiday cheer (Photo Credit-Stony Brook University Hospital) On Saturday 12/20, Halesite's trucks escorted Santa, Buddy the Elf and a host of other elves around the Halesite Fire District in Santa's Sleigh. With the intent to visit as many of the children of the district as possible, the brightly lit entourage wound their way through various neighborhoods stopping to take pictures and hand out gifts and candy canes to the kids who came out. They also stopped at three public locations - North Country Village Plaza, Bay Hills Beach, and Bay Crest Beach, so that people could plan to meet Santa and his crew at specific times.
According to Hank Waldron, a 4 year member of Halesite, "Santa's Ride brought a lot of holiday spirit and goodwill to our district. Residents on the streets and at each stop were in a very festive, holiday mood."
Hoping to spread the holiday cheer even further, Halesite sent Buddy the Elf, Jovi, and Papa Elf with Santa's sleigh to Stony Brook Hospital on Sunday 12/21 to visit with children who are unfortunately stuck there during the holidays. The children at Stony Brook are often visited by various Santas, but they were delighted to see Buddy, Jovi, and Papa Elf from one of their favorite holiday movies - Elf (2003).
Waldron stated, "We visited about thirty-five children and we were able to bring a distraction and some holiday spirit to them and their families at a difficult time in their lives." Those children who were able to look out their windows were even more excited to see the actual sleigh that had been in the movie! Each child had their picture taken with the elves and were given gifts to lift their spirits and to take their minds off of their illnesses.
Both events were organized by Hank Waldron and could not have happened without all the help from the Halesite firefighters who not only volunteer their time to protect the community in times of emergency, but also during events like these, to share our holiday spirit with our community!
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